
How do I clear JBoss' server.log file when JBoss is running? When I try to do

echo 1 > server.log

I get error msg that the file is being used by another program (JBoss). Is it possible to use a command-line tool (windows or linux(I do have CygWin)) or an application that I can write myself to clear that file?

P.S. I don't need that file to have 0kb, but I want it to have less than 100MB.

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By default JBoss keeps the file locked, since it is writing log messages into it. It is locked as long as JBoss is running and I don't know of other way to release it than stopping JBoss itself.

To keep its size under control, you can modify your log configuration, which is by default in <server>/conf˛jboss-log4j.xml. You can specify the maximum size of a log file, and define what to do when that size is reached: roll over to a new file, truncate the existing one and start writing over it again, etc.

A basic example (not tested, so no guarantee that it works straight as it is):

    <appender name="ROLL" class="org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
            <param name="maxFileSize" value="100MB" />

Moreover, with the maxBackupIndex parameter you may define the number of backup files (default is 1).


JBoss locks the file as long as the logging process is running.

If you enabled the JMX console you can stop the logging, delete / modify the log, and start the logging service again.

The url should look something like this (for log4j):

I tested this with JBoss 5.

This solution should be scriptable as well.

Regarding your log file size problem: You should use a configuration approach instead of editing the log file manually.

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