
I have this working to a degree, but I am looking for some input on how to query for the siblings in a one to many relationship to see if there is a more elegant way of accomplishing this.

Consider the following classes

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :post_categories
  has_many :categories, :through => :post_categories

class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :post_categories
  has_many :posts, :through => :post_categories

A post by definition can have multiple categories, what I would need this for is to show a "related posts" area on the site. Like I mentioned previously I do have a working version which is to simply do the following:

Post.find(id, :include => {:categories => :posts})

Looking at the logs the application then has to do five queries to get the end data that I am looking for.

Any thoughts are appreciated!

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The only problem I see you having with what you have already is that you probably don't want to return all posts which share a category with a post.

@post = Post.find params[:id]
@related_posts = Posts.find(:all, :joins => :post_categories,
                              :select => "posts.*, count(post_categories) post_category_count", 
                              :conditions => {:post_categories => {:category => @post.categories}}, 
                              :group => "", :order => "post_category_count desc")

This will return the most relevant posts first, ie. those which have the most shared categories, and you can either add a limit or paginate in order to limit results returned.


If you need support for large object trees, you might want to look at awesome nested set thought it may be overkill for this problem.

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