
How can i JSON.stringify the following data-structure?

var Records = {
    1357775376232: {
        pageX: 0,
        pageY: 0,
        scrollLeft: 0,
        scrollTop: 0,
        target: #document,
        type: null,
        value: undefined
    1357775376243: {
        pageX: 69,
        pageY: 10,
        scrollLeft: 0,
        scrollTop: 0,
        target: <a>,
        type: "click",
        value: ""
    // ...etc...
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Solution 2

Instead of using a plain object, use the XPath for the elements.


It looks like this object contains references to document and to an a tag. You won't be able to serialize it until you remove such references.

A simple solution is:

var arrayWithRefs = [...];
var arrayWithout = [];

for (var i = 0; i < arrayWithRefs.length; i++) {
  arrayWithout[i] = {
    safeProperty: arrayWithRefs[i].safeProperty;
    // copy whatever you want, omitting document references

var serialized = JSON.stringify(arrayWithout);

And of course there are libraries that can help you to pluck out just the properties you want. I would recommend underscore (general purpose) or cryo (exactly what you're attempting):

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