
I'd like to use S3 CORS and key expiration to create a 'spool bucket'. This spool bucket should support the following:

  • Frontend code (say, jQuery) should be able to HTTP PUT arbitrarily named keys to the bucket
  • Backend code (say, Python/boto) should be able to read and delete these keys, given a key name
  • keys should expire by themselves after X days

How exactly should this be achieved?

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After some mucking about, here's what I found:

  • Create a bucket
  • Give everyone the permissions Upload/Delete and Edit Permissions (should be easy with the API, my case was easier with the console).
  • Set the following (or similar) CORS policy:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">
  • set an object lifecycle policy to match your wishes (again, easy with the API, easier in my case with the console)
  • When doing your PUT, add the header x-amz-acl: bucket-owner-full-control. For example, in CoffeeScript and jQuery, your PUT will look like this:
    type: "PUT"
    data: "contents of new object"
        "x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control"

That's it. Bask in the glory of highly available, self-expunging, CORS compatible, cheap and easy HTTP spool space. One important thing to remember: any client can overwrite any key; you should design accordingly (I use cryptographically secure generated keys).

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