
I've heard there are differences between languages about the meaning of the keyword static, but I've not found a good list that consolidates those differences.

Here's what I know about the meaning of static in C++:

  • For local static variables within a function, the variable is initialized at startup and the value is saved across function calls.
  • Static data members are shared among all instances of a class. In other words, there is only one instance of a static data member. Static data members must be initialized at file scope.
  • Static member functions have access only to static members.
  • In recursive code, a static object or variable is guaranteed to have the same state in different instances of a block of code.
  • Static objects and variables defined at file scope only have internal linkage. No other files may use them.

How does the meaning of static change in other languages?

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  • The keyword can change either the linkage or the duration (lifetime) of an object.
  • Variables are always initialized to 0
  • Functions have internal linkage.
  • If declared in file level scope: variables have internal linkage and static duration (i.e. exists throughout the lifetime of the program)
  • If declared in block scope: variables have no linkage but static duration
  • There can multiple declarations of the same static variable in a translation unit. However, note that they must be the same. E.g: at file-level scope:

int a;        // a has external linkage

static int a; // a now has static linkage
              // same as if you wrote: static int a = 0;


static int b; // static linkage

extern int b; // extern loses its meaning, b still has internal linkage


extern int b; // b has external linkage

static int b; // error


void func() {
  static int x; // automatic linkage, static duration
                // same as if you wrote: static int x = 0;


  • At file level scope the usage has been deprecated for both variables and members in favor of anonymous namespaces. Exists only as compatibility
  • Variables still get default initialized (as in C) to 0
  • "6.7 The zero-initialization (8.5) of all local objects with static storage duration (3.7.1) or thread storage duration (3.7.2) is performed before any other initialization takes place [...] "
  • Variables have static storage duration unless accompanied by a thread_local specifier (from C++0x onwards)
  • There can be only one definition of a static in a translation unit
  • Member variables/functions mean they are properties of the class and not the instances Legal access syntax: or Class::property
  • Static member functions can only access only static member variables No this pointer for such functions
  • Non-static members can however access any static member
  • At file level objects have internal linkage except for class members which have a class scope
  • Class members need to be defined either in the class declaration or outside explicitly via class name and scope resolution operator
  • Cannot use this in a static method


  • Class methods as in C++
  • cannot use this or super in a static method
  • Accessed only through class name and not instance name
  • Not inherited
  • Derived classes however have access to bases' static properties
  • Variables that are declared with both the static and const keywords must be initialized at the same time as you declare the constant

Object Oriented Design

  • The Singleton design pattern is considered by many as a glorified static object
  • Used in Factory design pattern

I may have missed a lot of other things -- feel free to chip in.


In Delphi the static keyword is used exclusively for defining class methods. In Delphi a normal class method can be declared virtual and overridden in a subclass. Additionally Delphi has a self variable, similar to the this pointer in other languages. However in a class method the self points to the class in which the method is called instead of an instance.

Declaring a class method static means:

  1. It cannot be overridden in a subclass
  2. It does not have a self pointer

This means a static class method can only access class members in the class it was defined in, while a normal class method can access overridden class members in derived classes.

There are other informal uses of static in the Delphi documentation usually referring to a feature unchangability (is that a word?). For instance a static array vs a dynamic array. All instance methods in Delphi are static unless declared otherwise.

In VB.NET, a Static variable is just like a C++ local static variable.

However, there is no class-wide Static; use Shared instead.

In C# there are 3 ways a static keyword can be used:

  • On class definition, which means the class will only expose static members and cannot be instanciated
  • On a class member, which means that the member can be called without having to instanciate the class.
  • On a constructor, which means that the static constructor will allways be called before a static member is called. (Those are mostly performance bottlenecks and therefore not recommended)

Hope this helps.

In C# it pretty much always means: "related to a type rather than an instance of the type".

Python has the decorator @staticmethod, which when applied to a class member, makes the method available on the class rather than instances, and passes no automatic arguments to the method. The @classmethod decorator performs a similar function, but passes the class as the first argument, making it much more useful.

In C, static flags a function or global variable as local to the file its located in.

It's kinda like private in other languages. Sorta.

If it's in a function, then static preallocates that variable in the data section of the binary, rather than on the stack at run time.

In VB.NET static is used procedure level to mean the variable is associated with all executions of the procedure (it's preserved from call to call). That's a bit of an arcane usage in an Object-Oriented application though.

The counterpart is "Shared" which means the method or member is type level (you don't need an instance to access it).

Wikipedia summarizes many different meanings of static:

Static Methods, static variables, static typing.

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