
I need help figuring out a workflow and I'm not sure how to go about it... Let's say I'm transforming (ETL?) data from Table A to Table B. Table A has a composite primary key A.a+A.b+A.c, while Table B has just an automatically populated identity column. How can I map the composite keys from A back to the identities created when inserting into B?

Preferably I would like to not have any columns in table B related to A's composite key because there are many other tables that need to undergo the same operation but don't have the same composite key structure.

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Ask yourself exactly what you need the original keys for. The answer may vary depending on the source system. This may lead you to maintain a "source system" column and a "original source keys" column. The latter may need to be a comma-delimited list of the original keys.

Or, you may find that you never actually need to map back, so don't need to keep anything.


If I understand you correctly, you can't relate records from table B back to the records of table A after the transformation unless you somehow capture a mapping between A's composite key and B's identifier during the transformation.

You could add a column to A and pre-compute the identifiers to be used when inserting into B. Then you would have a mapping. This could also be done using a separate mapping table, if you don't want to add a column to A.

If you don't want to override the default assignment of identifiers, then you will have to capture them during the load. Oracle provides the returning clause for insert in PL/SQL for this purpose. I'm not sure about SQL Server. It may also be possible to accomplish this by using a trigger on B to insert into a separate mapping table or update a column in A. Though that's likely to slow down your load considerably.

If nothing else, you could create additional columns in B to hold the keys of A during the load, query out the mappings into a separate table afterwards, and then drop the extra columns.

I hope that helps.

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