
I am using phpmailer on an old website to send an email once a form has been submit.

It is sending input text correctly but is not sending the correct select option.

Here is the PHP/HTML page i am using:

// array to create title select options
$selectArray1 = array ('Mr'=>'Mr',

// below select box only sending the first option (Mr)
<label for="title">Title</label>
<select id="title" name="title[]">
foreach ($selectArray1 as $val_title){
echo "<option value=\"$val_title\">";
echo $val_title;
echo "</option>";

//below input in sending correctly
<label for="name">Name</label></td>
<input id="name" name="name" maxlength="50" type="text" value="">

So no matter if i select say "Miss" from the dropdown, the email when received will always have "Mr" as the title.

Here is the mailer that is the action for the form when submited:


// Grab our config settings

// Grab the FreakMailer class

// instantiate the class
$mailer = new FreakMailer();

// Set the subject
$mailer->Subject = 'Finance Enquiry -';

// Body
$mailer->Body = 'Finance Enquiry from' . "\n\n" . $_POST['title'] .      "\n\n" . $_POST['name'] . "\n\n" . $_POST['user-email'];

// Add an address to send to.
$mailer->AddAddress('', 'Site');

echo 'There was a problem sending this mail!';
echo 'Mail sent!';

The $_POST['title'] above is where i am having the problem. How can i change the code so that the correct select option is sent from the users input?

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Solution 3

It turns out this was a stupid mistake where there were conflicting input name/IDs.

ID title was assigned to another element on my form witch was causing the conflict.


Why you have named select as "title[]", instead just rename it to "title" and check the code. Square brackets are only required, if you have to accept multiple values.

you have to use 'title' instead of 'title[]' as the name of the <select>:

This works:

$selectArray1 = array ('Mr'=>'Mr',
<form action="test.php?done=1" method="POST">

<label for="title">Title</label>
<select id="title" name="title">
foreach ($selectArray1 as $val_title){
echo "<option value=\"$val_title\">";
echo $val_title;
echo "</option>";

<input type="submit">


if( $_GET["done"] == 1 )
    echo "Output:".$_POST["title"];
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