
I am trying to send to the view an IEnumerable and to show every element in it but I have a problem when I send it. It says that:


and I dont know how to handle it.

This is my view :

@model  IEnumerable<dynamic>

I get dynamic because i go to this view from couple of functions how send different types.

 <table border="1"  style="text-align:center">
          <td> </td>
          <td> user name </td>  
          <td>age </td>  
          <td>comments </td>

      @foreach (var t in (Model))
          <td> @Console.WriteLine(t)</td>  
          <td>  </td>  
          <td> </td>


I get the IEnumerable from this linq :

 var allU = (from m in comList
                    join c in users on m.user equals c.user into cm1
                    from cm2 in cm1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    group cm2 by m.user into grouped
                    select new { name = grouped.Key, count = grouped.Count() }).AsEnumerable();

So my question is really : how can I get the elements of it in the view?

Was it helpful?


You can't reference the type in your view because it is an anonymous type. Instead, define a type to store the results of your query:

public class Result
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public int Count { get; set; }

Then change your query to project into that type:

var allU = (from m in comList
                    join c in users on m.user equals c.user into cm1
                    from cm2 in cm1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    group cm2 by m.user into grouped
                    select new Result { Name = grouped.Key, Count = grouped.Count() }).AsEnumerable();

Then you'll be able to bind to the type IEnumerable<Result> in your view.

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