
Does anyone know how to programmaticly find out where the java classloader actually loads the class from?

I often work on large projects where the classpath gets very long and manual searching is not really an option. I recently had a problem where the classloader was loading an incorrect version of a class because it was on the classpath in two different places.

So how can I get the classloader to tell me where on disk the actual class file is coming from?

Edit: What about if the classloader actually fails to load the class due to a version mismatch (or something else), is there anyway we could find out what file its trying to read before it reads it?

Was it helpful?


Here's an example:

package foo;

public class Test
    public static void main(String[] args)
        ClassLoader loader = Test.class.getClassLoader();

This printed out:



Another way to find out where a class is loaded from (without manipulating the source) is to start the Java VM with the option: -verbose:class


This is what we use:

public static String getClassResource(Class<?> klass) {
  return klass.getClassLoader().getResource(
     klass.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class").toString();

This will work depending on the ClassLoader implementation: getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation()

Jon's version fails when the object's ClassLoader is registered as null which seems to imply that it was loaded by the Boot ClassLoader.

This method deals with that issue:

public static String whereFrom(Object o) {
  if ( o == null ) {
    return null;
  Class<?> c = o.getClass();
  ClassLoader loader = c.getClassLoader();
  if ( loader == null ) {
    // Try the bootstrap classloader - obtained from the ultimate parent of the System Class Loader.
    loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
    while ( loader != null && loader.getParent() != null ) {
      loader = loader.getParent();
  if (loader != null) {
    String name = c.getCanonicalName();
    URL resource = loader.getResource(name.replace(".", "/") + ".class");
    if ( resource != null ) {
      return resource.toString();
  return "Unknown";

Edit just 1st line: Main.class

Class<?> c = Main.class;
String path = c.getResource(c.getSimpleName() + ".class").getPath().replace(c.getSimpleName() + ".class", "");




Maybe bad style but works fine!

Take a look at this similar question. Tool to discover same class..

I think the most relevant obstacle is if you have a custom classloader ( loading from a db or ldap )

Typically, we don't what to use hardcoding. We can get className first, and then use ClassLoader to get the class URL.

        String className = MyClass.class.getName().replace(".", "/")+".class";
        URL classUrl  = MyClass.class.getClassLoader().getResource(className);
        String fullPath = classUrl==null ? null : classUrl.getPath();

This approach works for both files and jars:

Class clazz = Class.forName(nameOfClassYouWant);

URL resourceUrl = clazz.getResource("/" + clazz.getCanonicalName().replace(".", "/") + ".class");
InputStream classStream = resourceUrl.openStream(); // load the bytecode, if you wish

Assuming that you're working with a class named MyClass, the following should work:


Whether or not you can get the on-disk location of the .class file is dependent on the classloader itself. For example, if you're using something like BCEL, a certain class may not even have an on-disk representation.

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