
I was feeling quite clever as I worked out how to create subclasses in C# for an ASP.NET project, then I found a problem - I didn't know how to create an object of the right subclass based on the results of a SQL query.

Say you have a class called Animal and two subclasses called Zebra and Elephant. You get the idea?

What I want to do is perform a SQL query and if the row returned has row["Type"]="Zebra" then load a Zebra object (or if it's an Elephant then..).

So, in principle, the Animal class would have a static method:

class Animal{
 public static Animal Load(DataRow row){
  if (row["Type"]=="Zebra"){
   return new Zebra();

class Zebra : Animal{
 //some code here

Is this at all possible or have I just plain got the idea of subclasses wrong. It should be obvious I'm no OO expert.

Thanks in advance, Jake

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You can implement the method factory pattern.


Try this:

    public interface IAnimal
{ }

public class Animal : IAnimal
    public static IAnimal Load(String type)
        IAnimal animal = null;
        switch (type)
            case "Zebra" :
                animal = new Zebra();
            case "Elephant" :
                animal = new Elephant();
                throw new Exception();


        return animal;

public class Zebra : Animal
    public int NrOfStripes { get; set; }

    public static Zebra ZebraFactory()
        return new Zebra();

public class Elephant : Animal
    public int LengthOfTrunk { get; set; }

And to try it:

    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IAnimal zebra = Animal.Load("Zebra");
        IAnimal elephant = Animal.Load("Elephant");

I think it's fine:

public class Animal
    public static Animal Load(string row)
        if (row == "Zebra")
            return new Zebra();
        else if (row == "Elephant")
            return new Elephant();

        return null;

public class Zebra : Animal
    public new string ToString()
        return "Zebra";

public class Elephant : Animal
    public new string ToString()
        return "Elephant";

static void Main(string[] args)
    Animal a1 = Animal.Load("Zebra");

    System.Console.WriteLine(((Elephant)a1).ToString()); // Exception

    Animal a2 = Animal.Load("Elephant");
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