
General Info:

PHP 5.3.3
PHPUnit 3.4
Zend Framework 1.10.8

Phing build target

 <target name="test">
  <echo msg="PHPUnit..." />
  <phpunit codecoverage="false" haltonfailure="true" haltonerror="true" printsummary="true" bootstrap="${testdir}/application/bootstrap.php">
    <fileset dir="${testdir}">
     <include name="**/*Test.php" />
     <exclude name="./application/ControllerTestCase.php" />
     <exclude name="./application/bootstrap.php" />
   <formatter type="xml" todir="${builddir}" outfile="phpunit-results.xml" />
  <phpunitreport infile="${builddir}/phpunit-results.xml" 
     todir="${builddir}" />

This works...

phing -f build.xml test


My Phing target listed in Hudson, which uses the same build.xml file, does not work. I get the same type of error (strpos(): Empty delimiter) for every unit test, which occurs whenever $this->dispatch(..url..) is executed.

Occurs within the console output upon execution of the unit test target in Hudson

'strpos(): Empty delimiter' in /opt/phing/classes/phing/tasks/ext/phpunit/PHPUnitTask.php:279

Within the PHPUnit results XML file

strpos(): Empty delimiter


Can anyone shed some light on this?

Was it helpful?


Technically speaking, I solved this problem, but by deciding not to run PHPUnit via a Hudson Phing target. Instead, I decided to run a shell command in Hudson, which at the moment works fine for our needs. If anyone has any other ideas, I'm all ears. Thanks!

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