How to use the jQuery Cookie Plugin to make jQuery remember the animations after page reload


  •  15-01-2022
  •  | 


I'm trying to make sidebar like on Facebook. Well, not entirely. I just want to remember the state of jQuery after reload or after going to a different page. I don't understand how to use the cookie plugin. Where do I put it on this script? And how is it written? I downloaded the plugin and it is inside the html file but I don't know how to execute it through jQuery.

    $("#arrow").bind('click', function(){
     //I want jQuery to remember this state after refresh.

    $('#naviclosed').bind('click', function () {
        $(window).bind('resize', ScreenSize);
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Made slight modifications to your code:

function clickArrow()


    //Do the animations automatically IF the cookie value was SET.
    var arrowClicked = parseInt($.cookies.get('arrowClicked')); 
    if (arrowClicked > 0) {

    $("#arrow").bind('click', function(){

     //Perform actions

     //I want jQuery to remember this state after refresh.
     $.cookies.set('arrowClicked', 1);

    $('#naviclosed').bind('click', function () {
        $(window).bind('resize', ScreenSize);

Visit this link for more details of Cookie plugin:

Also please include jquery.cookie.js only after jquery.js

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