
I have only previously used visual studio for developing c++ but I've just moved to netbeans and am having some issues.

I got mingw installed so that my projects will compile but I dont know how to add external libraries to that. I want to use a static library, not a dll.

The library I specifically am looking at is libpng

I hope this isn't too IDE specific, I'm also looking to know how to prepare the library.

Windows OS.

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I figured it out more or less. I used the cmake gui, configured for msys make and mingw g++ and gcc, on the zlib source directory and then ran msys make and make install on the output directory. After that I did the same on libpng, but I had to add some variables to point to the zlib include and library directories within cmake.

Then in netbeans, I right clicked>>properties on my project and added include and lib location for each of the two libraries. I also could have copied the files into my mingw directories.

Now I'm just stuck with this issue.

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