
I am using"statement" + string) in lot of places in my applications including for loops and if statements.

I checked and found out that the string message get created first even when "INFO" level is not enabled.

How to check if INFO is enabled before the string gets created without adding the isInfoEnabled() at each place where I implemented it.

Also, what's the best way to reduce overheads while using logger.

Instead of + how would it be better if we use a utility method like returning a concatenated string using a Stringbuilder.

I am using log4j.xml for configuring the logger lever.

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The proper solution is to use slf4j/logback, which support passing in raw data without up-front string generation. With Commons Logging this can't be done and performance won't improve if you replace + with StringBuilder since string concatenation expressions are already compiled into code that involves a StringBuilder.


I'd recommend you to create Utility call for that, your own architecture over Logger

something like this (pseudocode, I don't know about Logger implementation)

class OwnLogger extends Logger {

    public static function info(Object o){

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