
I'm stuck with a problem how to check if a specific date is within allowed weekdays array in php. For example,

    function dateIsAllowedWeekday($_date,$_allowed)
    if ((isDate($_date)) && (($_allowed!="null") && ($_allowed!=null))){

    foreach($allowed_weekdays as $wd){
    if(in_array(date("l",strtotime($_date)),$weekdays)){return TRUE;}
    else {return FALSE;}
        else {return FALSE;}
    $date="21.05.2010"; //actually is Friday (5)
    $wd="[0,1,2]"; //Sunday,Monday,Tuesday

    if(dateIsAllowedWeekday($date,$wd)){echo "$date is within $wd weekday values!";} 
    else{echo "$date isn't within $wd weekday values!"}

I have input dates formatted as "d.m.Y" and an array returned from database with weekday numbers (formatted as 'Numeric representation of the day of the week') like [0,1,2] - (Sunday,Monday,Tuesday).

The returned string from database can be "null", so i check it too. Then, the isDate function checks whether date is a date and it is ok.

I want to check if my date, for example 21.05.2010 is an allowed weekday in this array. My function always returns TRUE and somehow weekday is always 'Thursday' and i don't know why...

Is there any other ways to check this or what can be my error in the code above? thx

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I'm not sure why you feel the need to convert the numeric day of the week into a string (eg "Sunday") as you only return a boolean value in the end; anyway I've removed that part and the below code should function as expected:

function dateIsAllowedWeekday($_date,$_allowed)
  if ((isDate($_date)) && (($_allowed!="null") && ($_allowed!=null)))
    $allowed_weekdays = json_decode($_allowed);

    if (in_array(date("w", strtotime($_date)), $allowed_weekdays))
      return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

Tested with 21.05.2010 (returns false), and 11.05.2010 (returns true), with your allowed_weekdays as above ([0,1,2]).


If you got PHP5.3 running already, you can also do:

function date_validWeekday($format, $date, array $weekdays) {
    return in_array(
        DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date)->format('w'),

var_dump(date_validWeekday('d.m.Y', '21.05.2010', array(0,1,2))); // FALSE
var_dump(date_validWeekday('d.m.Y', '11.05.2010', array(0,1,2))); // TRUE

The reason why it keeps returning Thursday is because you are using strtotime() on single digit integer:


One of the two things is happening, thought I'm not sure which:

  1. the function interprets the integer as an epoch timestamp, or

  2. the function is returning false, which the date function gets as a 0.

In either case, you are within 10 seconds of the original Epoch start time:

Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

Which is on a Thursday.

function dateIsAllowedWeekday($_date,$_allowed){
    if ((isDate($_date)) && (($_allowed!="null") && ($_allowed!=null))){
        return in_array(date("w",strtotime($_date)),json_decode($_allowed));

    return false;
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