
I'm making a webapp in Seam but ran into a problem I can't seem to fix.

I have a JSF form where the customer can select a reservation type through a combobox. Based on the selected value, other form components gets rendered.

For example: the customer selects Hours as reservation type, a panelGroup gets rendered where the customer can select a start- and an end hour. But if the customer would select 'part of the day' as reservation type, a selectOneMenu gets rendered where the customer can select a part of the day (morning, afternoon, evening)

The rerendering well but the values of the components with a rendered conditional won't get passed to the bean. They stay null values.

This is the code i'm talking about:

<s:div id="spot"
       rendered="#{ eq 'Flex Spot'}">

    <h:panelGrid columns="2">
        <h:outputText value="Reservation Type" />
        <h:selectOneMenu value="#{selectedPeriodPart}">
            <s:convertEnum />

            <a4j:support ajaxSingle="true"

        <h:outputText id="date_spot" value="Date" />

        <a4j:outputPanel id="calendar_spot" layout="block">
            <rich:calendar value="#{reservation.reservationPeriod.startDate}"
                           locale="en" cellWidth="24px"
                           style="width:200px" />

        <h:outputText rendered="#{selectedPeriodPart eq 'DAY_PART'}"
                      value="Daypart" />

        <h:selectOneMenu value="#{selectedDaypart}"
                         rendered="#{selectedPeriodPart eq 'DAY_PART'}">
            <f:selectItem id="si_morning" itemLabel="Morning (6:00 - 12:00)"
                          itemValue="morning" />
            <f:selectItem id="si_afternoon"
                          itemLabel="Afternoon (12:00 - 18:00)" itemValue="afternoon" />
            <f:selectItem id="si_evening" itemLabel="Evening (18:00 - 00:00)"
                          itemValue="evening" />

        <h:outputText rendered="#{selectedPeriodPart eq 'HOURS'}"
                      value="Hours" />

        <h:panelGroup id="hours_spot"
                      rendered="#{selectedPeriodPart eq 'HOURS'}">
            <ui:include src="/includes/reservation/select_hours.xhtml" />

Note: The calendar value do get passed back to the bean but the value of this piece of code doesn't (it does if you remove the rendered conditional):

selectOneMenu value="#{selectedDaypart}" rendered="#{selectedPeriodPart eq 'DAY_PART'}"
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Solution 2

I fixed it -.- Nothing was wrong with the code I posted. Because I wasn't able to solve this issue I continued on an other page in the same conversation. I noticed some more strange behaviour: outjection of a variable didn't work etc.

I figured the mistake was in some other part of the code which, after corrected, fixed the whole problem.

Thx for answering guys!


You need to ensure that the conditionals responsible for the outcome of the rendered attribute are also the same in the subsequent request of the form submit. Because when a component isn't rendered, JSF won't apply the request values them.

In a nutshell, the property behind #{selectedPeriodPart} needs to be the same in the subsequent request. There are several solutions:

  1. Put bean in session scope. Easiest solution, but bad for server memory and client experience (updates would be reflected in multiple tabs/windows in same session).

  2. Pass it through using <h:inputHidden>. Not sure though how this fits in the Ajax/Richfaces picture. Better use <a4j:keepAlive> here.

  3. Use a conversation scope. Seam offers facilities for this.

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