
Hello I am trying to setup a Padrino project using DataMapper and MySQL on my Mac OSX Snow Leopard.

I have the necessary gems: dm-core data_objects do_mysql mysql (linked to my original Mac OSX installation)

But when I try to start the padrino with PADRINO START from the console, I get the following error:

/Users/ivolution/.bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/dm-core-0.10.2/lib/dm-core/adapters/mysql_adapter.rb:3:in `require': no such file to load -- do_mysql (LoadError)

But as I said I do have do_mysql gem installed so there shouldn't be such error, I did bundle install in my project folder before trying to start Padrino.

Any ideas?

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The key is probably in the Gemfile. It is not about what is installed but instead what is declared in your bundler Gemfile. Go into ./Gemfile and declare the do_mysql gem required and it will probably solve the issue.

Something like: gem 'do_mysql' should do the trick

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