
I'm porting a Ruby gem written in C to Ruby with FFI.

When I run the tests using MRI Ruby there aren't any seg-faults. When running in jRuby, I get a seg-fault.

This is the code in the test that I think is responsible:

if type == Date or type == DateTime then
  assert_nil param.set_value(value.strftime("%F %T"));
  assert_nil param.set_value(value);
@api.sqlany_bind_param(stmt, 0, param)
puts "\n#{param.inspect}"

#return if String === value or Date === value or DateTime === value
assert_succeeded @api.sqlany_execute(stmt)

The segmentation fault happens when running sqlany_execute, but only when the object passed to set_value is of the class String.

sqlany_execute just uses FFI's attach_function method.

param.set_value is more complicated. I'll focus just on the String specific part. Here is the original C code

case T_STRING:
    s_bind->value.length = malloc(sizeof(size_t));
    length = RSTRING_LEN(val);
    *s_bind->value.length = length;
    s_bind->value.buffer = malloc(length);
    memcpy(s_bind->value.buffer, RSTRING_PTR(val), length);
    s_bind->value.type = A_STRING;

In my port, this became:

when String
  self[:value][:length] = SQLAnywhere::LibC.malloc(FFI::Type::ULONG.size)
  length = value.bytesize
  self[:value][:buffer] = SQLAnywhere::LibC.malloc(length + 1)
  self[:value][:buffer_size] = length + 1

  ## Don't use put_string as that includes the terminating null
  # value.each_byte.each_with_index do |byte, index|
  # self[:value][:buffer].put_uchar(index, byte)
  # end
  self[:value][:buffer].put_string(0, value)
  self[:value][:type] = :string

My question is: what's causing jRuby to seg fault and what can I do about it?

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This answer is possibly overly detailed, but I thought it would be good to go into a bit of depth for those who run across similar problems in the future.

It looks like this was your problem:


when it should have been:


On a 64 bit system, bytes 4..7 of the memory self[:value][:length] points to could have contained garbage (since malloc does not clear the memory it returns), and when the native code reads a size_t quantity at that address, it will be garbage, potentially indicating a buffer larger than 4 gigabytes.

e.g. if the string length is really 15 bytes, the lower 4 bits will be set, and the upper 60 should be all zero.

bit   0   1   2   3   4      32       63
    +---+---+---+---+---+ ~ +---+ ~ +---+
    | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ~ | 0 | ~ | 0 |
    +---+---+---+---+---+ ~ +---+ ~ +---+

if just one bit in that upper 32 bits is set, then you get a > 4 gigabyte value

bit   0   1   2   3   4      32       63
    +---+---+---+---+---+ ~ +---+ ~ +---+
    | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ~ | 1 | ~ | 0 |
    +---+---+---+---+---+ ~ +---+ ~ +---+

which would be a length of 4294967311 bytes.

One way to fix it, is to define a SizeT struct and use that for the length. e.g.

class SizeT < FFI::Struct
  layout :value, :size_t

self[:value][:length] = SQLAnywhere::LibC.malloc(SizeT.size)
length = value.bytesize[:value][:length])[:value] = length

or you could monkey patch FFI::Pointer:

class FFI::Pointer
  if FFI.type_size(:size_t) == 4
    def write_size_t(val)
    def write_size_t(val)

Why was it only segfaulting on JRuby, not on MRI? Maybe MRI was a 32 bit executable (printing the value of FFI.type_size(:size_t) will tell you).

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