
I'd like to use GitHub more from the command line and less through the web.

Of course, everything related to Git repos can be done through the Git client. But I'd like to also do GitHub-specific things like creating forks or managing pull requests.

Given that GitHub seems to have a pretty comprehensive API with libraries in many languages, I was wondering if there are any good command-line clients out there to interact with GitHub?

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Have you had a look at hub or the official gh?


For anyone still looking for a tool to access GitHub API v3 from command line, please have a look at my client library written in ruby github_cli.

If you just want to manage releases from the commandline, you can use github-release. It uses the recent github releases API. It's written in golang so you can just download the binary and use it without needing install anything else if you want.

DISCLAIMER: I am the author of github-release.

If you're still not satisfied by the available CLIs like myself, check out the Gub gem.

To get Gub to submit pull-request for issue #123, you need to run the following:

$ gub start 123 This will create a new branch issue-123. Once you're done working on the issue, execute:

$ gub finish Voila!

Note: I am the author of Gub gem.

Anyone looking for a NodeJS based GitHub GraphQL CLI client, I wrote one here:

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