
I am on the way to build an ASP.NET MVC application with the latest beta release and I wonder if it is possible to change the default project Layout of

/Views/Home/Index.aspx /Views/Home/About.aspx


/Blog/Views/Home/Index.aspx /Blog/Views/Home/About.aspx

/Forum/Views/Home/Index.aspx /Forum/Views/Home/About.aspx

The goal is to get some separation between "applications" within one single Web project, something like Thomas Owens asked already here: Under an MVC framework, which directory structure would be expected by other developers?

Of course this should include the Controllers as well, not only the Views.

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This is not a new concept. It is called "areas" in Monorail. There has been a lot of buzz about this topic lately on the ATL.NET forum and elsewhere. Steve Sanderson has come up with a way to do this but apparently it leaves some issues. In reseponse, apparently the MVC team is going to take a "deep look" at it for a future release.


Yes, it should be possible to do this. I can think of one way; there may be others.

The first step is to modify the default route to include your application name:

                null, null);

I'm presuming that you're going to group the two "applications" into different namespaces within a single assembly. So you might have two namespaces like:

  • MyApp.Blog.Controllers
  • MyApp.Forum.Controllers

Next, you need to change the controller factory so that it instantiates the right controller. You can do this by subtyping the DefaultControllerFactory and overriding the GetControllerType method:

    protected override System.Type GetControllerType(string controllerName)
        string applicationName;
        if (RequestContext != null && 
           "applicationName", out applicationName)) {
           // return controller type using app name to 
           // look up namespace and controllerName argument
           return ...

        // if no match, maybe it's a different controller/route
        return base.GetControllerType(controllerName);

Finally, you need to tell MVC to use your ControllerFactory. In Global.asax.cs:

    private void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)

Locating views can be handled similarly. In this case, you subtype WebFormViewEngine.

I just wrote a blog post that describes one approach to grouping controllers that's similar to "areas" in monorail. It doesn't address nested areas yet though.

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