
I don't know whether this is actually an SDL issue or just me not knowing how to build packages from msys/mingw. What I have done thus far:

  1. downloaded latest mingw-get-inst.exe from sourceforge and ran it. This installed a C:\MinGW\ directory with msys inside. This brought me to my first bit of confusion. When I opened the mingw shell, rather than bringing me to my /home/ directory as I expected ( I have used mingw before and remember this being weird ) it placed me in /c/Users/me/.

  2. I figured that this must be my home directory and put the extracted SDL-1.2.15/ in this location.

  3. I then ran:

    cd SDL-1.2.15
    ./configure --help

    but received sh: ./configure: No such file or directory.

  4. I then created a /c/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/ directory, set that as the HOME environment variable, moved the SDL folder into it and tried to configure again with the same result.

There are a few things I really dont understand about installing packages that I hope someone can clear up. I have installed a few before and the ./configure; make; make install; seems to be a common procedure. I know msys provides the functionality for make, but is configure a file that is supposed to be included in each package? If so, why is it not in the SDL package/how do configure it?

I have been following instructions from here and they seem to have worked for others in the comments. The bottom-most comment tells that mingw-get-inst works, though I did try it both ways.

I have a feeling my lack of msys/mingw knowledge is my problem.

I am on windows 7.

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I had the same problem as you describe and I got SDL, SDL_image and SDL_ttf working after some research.

It seems that the configure file exists only in the source code packages. I found that out after I downloaded the SDL_image source. So, the problem probably lies in that the configure file comes only in the source packages.

However, I'm having other problems so I'm not sure this has fixed it for me, but it seems like it should.

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