
I have recently cloned an hg repo to git so i can post it on github. Lots of the email addresses are wrong and I would like to use git rebase to change them before anyone forks this project. If i change them how do I go about pushing the new, completely rebased repo to github? can I just rebase and then git push? do i have to delete the project first?

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Almost. You need to use git push -f (or --force) in order to overwrite the old history.

On a completely different note: why would you "like to use git rebase" to change the committer e-mail addresses instead of git filter-branch --env-filter?


I don't have enough reputation just yet to comment on Jörg's post, but github has a nice shell script using git filter-branch --env-filter that helped me do the same thing at This is an example of what the other commenters on Jörg's post were talking about. This worked for me.

One way to do it is the following:

  • Create a .mbox file which contains all the patches since the repo's inception: git format-patch --stdout --root > repo_history.mbox
  • Edit the repo_history.mbox file, changing all e-mail addresses as you see fit. It could be as easy as perl -pi~ -e's/oldemail\@host\.org/newemail\@newhost\.com/gi' repo_history.mbox
  • Create a new repo: mkdir ~/newrepo; cd ~/newrepo; git init
  • Apply the previous mbox's changes to the new repo: git am /path/to/repo_history.mbox

I just tested it on a repo of mine, and it seems like the above has done the trick. Let me know if you'd like more details.

Important: You should only do this before you ever publish that repository, and not once other people have already pulled from it -- I see your question states that already, but this is just to reiterate the importance of this :)

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