
I'm trying to use the new JSON ModelBinders in MVC 3 which Scott Guthrie talks about in his blog.

My example is very similar to the one he is using. I have a model with 3 values which I am trying to POST to the server.

The model looks like this:

public class CommentViewModel
    public string Product { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public string Author { get; set; }

The JavaScript looks like this:

$("#addComment").click(function () {

    var comment = {
        Product: $("#productName").html(),
        Text: $("#comment").val(),
        Author: $("#author").val()

    alert("value=" + JSON.stringify(comment));

        url: "/Home/Add",                                       
        type: "POST",                                           
        data: JSON.stringify(comment),                          
        datatype: "json",                                       
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",         
        success: function (data) {                              

The controller action looks like this:

public ActionResult Add(CommentViewModel comment)
      // ...

The alert I'm getting (the one inside the JavaScript post) gives me something likes this:

value={"Product":"Classic","Text":"the comment","Author":"me"}

I am expecting the properties in the model to be populated on the server, but all the properties are null. I'm using ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1.

Was it helpful?


I think it might be because ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 is not registering the JsonValueProviderFactory automagically as expected.

Put the following snippet in Global.asax to manually register it, it should fix solve your problem:

ValueProviderFactories.Factories.Add(new JsonValueProviderFactory())


pretty sure you need to change the following lines

    url: "/Home/Add",
    type: "POST",
    data: comment,
    datatype: "json",
    success: function (data) {

Notice i've removed the stringify and the contenttype

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