
Ex. There are 2 entities: "Parent" -->> "Child" with one-to-many relation.
"Child" has property NSString *myKey.
QuickBlox documentation provides an examples about relations between different QBCOCustomObject (QuickBlox: Get Related Records) but only for simple case: how to get "Child" instances with given "Parent" instance.

Is any possibilities to obtain all "Parents" associated with a "Childs" where every "Child" instances have a given "myKey" with one request?
Or I have to use two separate requests for each entities?

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To give all Children for particular Parent:<your_Parent_class_instance_id>

To give all 'Parents' ids associated with a "Childs" where every "Child" instances have a given "myKey":<some_value>

then each Child has _parent_id field

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