
I want to create a hierarchical menu. The function:

* Table has 3 fields: `ID`, `PARENTID` and `NAME`
* `ID` is unique, `PARENTID` showing his parent node id.
* This function will go through it and build unordered list and call itself when needed to build subitems.
* $level argument used to define wich node's subitems to build. Default is 0 which is top level.
function showMenu($level = 0) {

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `menus` WHERE `submenu` = ".$level); 
echo "<ul>";
    while ($node = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
        echo "<li>".$node['name'];
        $hasChild = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `menus` WHERE `submenu` = ".$node['id'])) != null;
        IF ($hasChild) {
        echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";

I've found on a stackoverflow in a similar question.

I have a table menus:

| id | name           | submenu |
|  1 | FIRST HEADER   |    NULL | 
|  2 | SECOND HEADER  |    NULL | 
|  3 | THIRD HEADER   |    NULL | 
|  4 | (fh) submenu 1 |       1 | 
|  5 | (fh) submenu 2 |       1 | 
|  6 | (fh) submenu 3 |       1 | 
|  7 | (sh) submenu 1 |       2 | 
|  8 | (sh) submenu 2 |       2 | 
|  9 | (th) submenu 1 |       3 | 
| 10 | item 1         |       4 | 
| 11 | item 2         |       4 | 

I used this function in script


and here is the result:

<ul><li>item 1</li><li>item 2</li></ul> 

as u can see, there is no word about even a piece of hierarchy, just a couple of items in source. What possibly wrong in my code?

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You are specifically requesting just the submenu number 4.

If you just call showMenu() with no arguments, it will show the entire menu tree.

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