
open(my $fh, '>', $path) || die $!;

Can my_sub() somehow extrapolate $path from $fh?

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A filehandle might not even be connected to a file but instead to a network socket or a pipe hooked to the standard output of a child process.

If you want to associate handles with paths your code opens, use a hash and the fileno operator, e.g.,

my %fileno2path;

sub myopen {
  my($path) = @_;

  open my $fh, "<", $path or die "$0: open: $!";

  $fileno2path{fileno $fh} = $path;

sub myclose {
  my($fh) = @_;
  delete $fileno2path{fileno $fh};
  close $fh or warn "$0: close: $!";

sub path {
  my($fh) = @_;
  $fileno2path{fileno $fh};


Whoever might be looking for better way to find the file name from filehandle or file descriptor:

I would prefer to use the find -inum , if available. Or, how about using following way, always - any drawbacks except the unix/linux compatible!

my $filename='/tmp/tmp.txt';
open my $fh, '>', $filename;
my $fd = fileno $fh;
print readlink("/proc/$$/fd/$fd");

You can call stat or IO::Handle::stat on a filehandle -- that will give you the device and inode of the file that you have opened. With that and a little operating system wizardry you can find the filename. OK, maybe a lot of operating system wizardry.

The find command has an -inum option to find a file with a specified inode number. This is probably not going to be as efficient as caching the path when you open the file, as gbacon recommends.

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