
I did goggling about MMS in iPhone but I did not find much info on this,most of the findings are related to images. I would like to send audio using MMS in iPhone using ios sdk.Is it possible to do this?I have the following queries regarding MMS.

How to identify all the MMS audio files in iPhone using iOS SDK?

How to play MMS files in iPhone using iOS SDK?

Could some one help me in identifying these things !

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MMS as in Multimedia Messaging Service is not available for a developer in iOS. Only the can send MMS, you can't access any data from the nor can you send an MMS.

The iOS SDK provides Message UI Framework which allows you to send Email and Text messages. But the text messages are restricted to SMS only.

Update: iOS 7 now supports attachment.

 - (void)sendAudioFile:(NSURL)audioFilePath {
    if ([MFMessageComposeViewController canSendAttachments] &&
        [MFMessageComposeViewController canSendText] &&
        [MFMessageComposeViewController isSupportedAttachmentUTI:@"​format"]) //.caf files
        NSLog(@"can send");

        MFMessageComposeViewController *message = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init];
        [message addAttachmentURL:audioFilePath withAlternateFilename:nil]; //.caf file
        message.messageComposeDelegate = self;
        [self presentViewController:message animated:YES completion:nil];
    else {
        NSLog(@"cannot send");
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