
Using TPL, how do I collect results from multiple IO sources ("thread-less" tasks) and merge them into a sequence as they come in from their respective sources without spawning a thread based task per source to monitor them? Would it be safe to poll the sources from one thread?

while (true)
        IEnumerable<UdpClient> readyChannels = 
            from channel in channels
            where channel.Available > 0
            select channel;

        foreach( UdpClient channel in readyChannels)
           var result = await channel.ReceiveAsync();
           //do something with result like post to dataflow block.
    catch (Exception e)
        throw (e);

How about something like that?

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I see several options here:

If you want fire up the calls to ReceiveAsync(), set them up to do something with the result (e.g. send to a dataflow block, like you said) and then forget about them, you could use ContinueWith():

foreach (var channel in readyChannels)
   channel.ReceiveAsync().ContinueWith(task => 
       var result = task.Result;
       //do something with result like post to dataflow block.

One disadvantage of this is that you would need to handle exceptions in each continuation.

Probably a better approach is to use OrderByCompletion() from Stephen Cleary's AsyncEx. This way, you can start all reads at once and process them as they complete:

var tasks = readyChannels.Select(c => c.ReceiveAsync()).OrderByCompletion();

foreach (var task in tasks)
   var result = await task;
   //do something with result like post to dataflow block.

Yet another option, useful for example if you want to limit parallelism, is to use TransformBlock:

var receiveBlock = new TransformBlock<UdpClient, UdpReceiveResult>(
    c => c.ReceiveAsync(),
    new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = degreeOfParallelism });
foreach (var channel in readyChannels)

// set up processing here

await receiveBlock.Completion;

If you want to send the results to another block, then the processing mentioned in a comment above consists of simply linking them together:


In all of the cases above, there is never a thread blocking to monitor anything. But the code to call ReceiveAsync() and then to process the result has to execute somewhere.

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