
Wordpress has a filter that automatically add paragraphs to posts. I can remove this by adding the followin code:

// Remove the <p> tags which WP automatically inserts in psots.
remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop');

The problem is that i removes <br /> tags as well.

So I'm not removing this filter at the moment. My problem is that inside a DIV box, I get extra space above and below the text (at the start / end of text).

I could manipulate the <p> tag in css, but again, that will affect all <p> tags throughout the post content.

Any suggestions to what I should do?

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i believe this would help you

<?php wpautop( $post, $br = 0 ); ?>

the second parameter is boolean and is to do with the line breaks.

codex link


Try removing blank lines after and before in your post content.

I don't think @mroggle's method might work. The last I had this issue, I had to manually throw in <br />s.

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