
It what should be a simple task, or a simple google search, I have come up empty. I am trying to simply calculate a grade percentage. I am trying to use:

Select round((133 / 150), 2) * 100

That results in 0. I am trying to calcualte to get a score of 89%. I have tried multiple combinations and I am beginning to think it is either too complicated to do with t-sql or it is not possible. What am I missing?

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Try this:

Select round((cast(133 as numeric(20,8))/ cast(150 as numeric(20,8))) * 100, 2)

You are using integers in your example, when you need decimal values. See here for more information.



Select round(133.0 / 150) * 100 

An int divided by an int is an int, and 1 / 2 = 0 (integer truncation)

More generally, if you ensure numerator is a float (real/decimal):

Select round(CAST(integervalue as real) / 150) * 100 
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