
I have many small files containing code fragments, pseudo-code algorithms, classes, templates, SQL-samples, etc., and I obviously cannot put all these into libraries. I need a practical method to index all of them, and to be able to make this index available to others.

  1. What must such an index contain to make searching easiest?
  2. Are there any such repositories available on the web? (So I can test the techniques they use.)
  3. Are there any applications already written that implement this that I can have a look at?

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You might want to try or set up your own wiki for it. A wiki actually sounds like a good application here.


If you're working with .NET / Visual Studio, you could look at adding them as code snippets

Code Keep is a pretty good online repo for CodeSnippets and has plugins for VS2008

What we've done at work is created a common account for the dev to use, so everyone submits to codekeep under a common login and then can retrieve everyone elses snippets.

Also it might be worth your while creating a developer wiki on your dev network. Somewhere that the old hands can leave documentation on your regularly used patterns & snippets and new team members can check for help. We use TRAC in house as an all in one WIKI / Issue Management / SVN Integration and it does the job nicely

Another similar result from searching StackOverflow: Best Application For Storing Code Snippets

I find the only way to manage source code is in the source control repository. This includes templates and pseudo code algorithms. How it's different from the rest of your code ? I'm familiar with cvs that can be hosted for example here (setting up cvs server is not to complex task either) you can search the repository using cvsearch and browse it using cvs web client.
I'm not saying cvs is a best option just another one that fulfill all your need.

Code snippets is a not a good option, IMHO.

You can do a full-text index of your hard drive using a tool like Copernic, Windows Live Search, or Google Desktop. Then whenever you want a code snippet that does a specific thing, just search for the relevant keywords and there it goes.

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