
I have a ruby-on-rails application that wishes to utilise the tumblr gem for adding posts when an action is taken (eg: creating a blog post)

I currently have the tumblr gem installed and can manage to fetch my posts using

@tumblruser ='myemail','mypassword')

However when i go to add a post where it asks me to pass the user information like so (according to the API for the gem)

post = Tumblr::Post.create(@tumblruser, :type => 'video', :embed => @post.video_html, :title => @post.title, :caption => @post.content)

it just does not want to authenticate and returns a 403 error

anyone had any experience with this?

Was it helpful?


NEW SOLUTION: I have found recently that there has been a problem with the gem. So I have made a copy of it, changed a few things in the docs and code and put it at

Hope the changes and docs help someone else out there. As always I welcome any improvements, or refactoring on any of my projects. Kind Regards, Matenia


I managed to get around this by the way ... all i did was declare the username and password in place of @tumblruser like so:

post = Tumblr::Post.create(:email => 'user name email here', 
        :password => 'my password', 
        :type => 'video', 
        :embed => @post.video_html, 
        :caption => @postcontent)

where @postcontent is the html text of post.content and gsubbed to escape most of the html.

hope this saves someone else some time.


If you are only going to check authentication with any media like Facebook , Twitter ,LinkedIn ,Tumblr , Github and almost 20 others (you can check Here ) .Then omniauth gem is the first thing that comes to mind . Means It's clearly simplest solution for authentication and I love it

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