
I'm trying to create a Drupal web for a travel agency and need your help.

  • I store locations in a taxonomy with hierarchy, the structure looks like this:

    • Europe
      • France
        • Paris
      • Germany
        • Berlin
  • I'm using a view with "Has taxonomy terms (with depth)" filter, exposed as a selectbox.

  • "Show hierarchy in dropdown" is enabled

It works fine, but the selectbox starts to get pretty huge as the number of the location is increasing.

So my question is: Is it possible to show just the 1st and 2nd level of the taxonomy in the select box? Or is it possible to show each level of the taxonomy in a separate select box?

Thank you!

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Use hierarchical select module to create select list. This will give you a hierarchy with '-' symbol in front all child elements. Then you can alter the form with hook_form_alter function.

function MYMODULE_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
 if (($form_id == 'your_form_id')) {
  foreach ($form['tid']['#options'] as $term_key => $term) {
      // Check if this is a child by looking for '-' as first char in string
      $term_value = reset($term->option);
      if($term_value[0] == '-') {


You should check this link. I am pretty sure, you will be able to it by some custom coding in any custom module or template.php

You can check this module too, really helpful.


"is it possible to show each level of the taxonomy in a separate select box?" The only module I have seen that might be useful to you is the Hierarchical Select module.

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