
I have installed Lampp on Ubuntu 12.04LTS. I tried to move my htdocs to home/myusername/lampp/htdocs by editing both DocumentRoot values in httpd.conf.

After doing so I get Access Forbidden on all the pages.

I have tried chmod 755 on the directory, but that is already the default on the home directory, and predictably had no effect.


chmod 755 on all directories below htdocs solved the forbidden issues. I can now see the default XAMPP page @ localhost/xampp/index.php, and my test.html page under localhost/test.html.

localhost/xampp/index.php does not function as per normal however, and clicking any of the language links does not lead to the standard Xampp configuration and introduction page, instead doing nothing.


Once again the permissions were at fold. Using the recursive chmod is basically all that needed to be done.

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Hi sounds like a permission is at fault here, go into the home folder and CHMOD the folders ensuring that they are readable, and executable. Additionally you could add the user to the www-data and see if that resolves the issue but I doubt that's the case.

Ensure that you are using the -R command on the chmod this will set it to recursively do all the folders and all the files. Since 755 on folders doesn't unlock the actual files itself and they will remain unreadable.

sudo chmod 755 -R /home/username/lamp/htdocs
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