
I'm trying to generate a regular expression with the next pattern. A number, of a maximum of 16 digits, that can have or not a comma inside, never at the beginning, never at the end. I tried this:


The problem is that I can't count the result of a group {0,16}. This is a list of numbers that should fit the expression:


Example numbers that shouldn't fit:

11111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111 (more than 16 characters)

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Solution 2

If your regex flavour supports lookahead assertions, you can use this:


See it here on Regexr

I removed the superfluous {1} and made the group with the fraction optional.

The negative lookahead assertion (?!(?:\d{17,}$|[,\d]{18,}$)) is checking your length requirement. It fails if it finds 17 or more digits till the end OR 18 or more digits and commas till the end. That I allow multiple commas in the character class here is not a problem, that there is only one comma is ensured by the following pattern.


You may check the length before that or using ^(?=[\d,]{1,16}$)(?:\d+(?:,\d+)?)$

That is a lookahead that checks the length before doing the real match.

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