
Is it somehow possible to change the volume of a mp3-file that is playing via wmplib? Changing the volume of the program itself would be ok as well.

Are there any solutions to do this?

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Solution 2

The idea is to send WM_APPCOMMAND message (also see this answer).

For WPF use WindowInteropHelper to get the Handle of the Window:

class MainWindow : Window

    private const int APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_MUTE = 0x80000;
    private const int WM_APPCOMMAND = 0x319;
    private const int APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_UP = 10 * 65536;
    private const int APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_DOWN = 9 * 65536;

    public static extern IntPtr SendMessageW(IntPtr hWnd, int Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

    private void VolumeUp()
        var windowInteropHelper = new WindowInteropHelper(this);
        SendMessageW(windowInteropHelper.Handle, (IntPtr)WM_APPCOMMAND, windowInteropHelper.Handle, (IntPtr)APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_UP);

For Windows Forms use Control.Handle Property:

class MainForm : Form

    private void VolumeUp()
        SendMessageW(Handle, (IntPtr)WM_APPCOMMAND, Handle, (IntPtr)APPCOMMAND_VOLUME_UP);


This is a simple way to do it.


WMPlib.WindowsMediaPlayer wmp = new WMPlib.WindowsMediaPlayer(); //Creates an instance of the WMP
wmp.url="URI to media source"; //Sets media source
wmp.settings.volume= 50;  //Volume can be 0-100 (inclusive)

Hope it helped you!

This worked for me!

WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer wmsound= new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer();

wmsound.URL = @"C:\Users\USER\sound.mp3";

//Volume 100%
finish_sound.settings.volume = 100;
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