
I have a storyboard file and I want to reference the name of the file that the storyboard is implemented in so that I can load a configuration file of the same base name.

Here is an example that is in a file called scene001.lua

-- Called when the scene's view does not exist:
function scene:createScene( event )
    local screenGroup = self.view

    local json = require("json")
    -- load the book definition file
    local contents = textFromFile("scene001.json")
    local page = json.decode(contents)
    image = buildPage(page)
    image.touch = onSceneTouch

As you can see I have to hard code the "scene001.json". I want to load a configuration file of the with the same name as the current storyboard, how can I do this dynamically?

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Solution 2

I actually found a better more official way of doing this without all the regex sillyness needed to parse the path. Of the potential performance implications of using debug.getinfo().



You can use the debug library, specifically the function debug.getinfo, to retrieve information about the current file name. With a simple pattern, you can then replace the .lua extension with .json to open your custom file.

print( debug.getinfo(1,"S").short_src ) --> /path/to/scene001.lua.
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