
I connect all signals in gtk.builder with this:

ui_builder = gtk.Builder()
self.win_main = builder.get_object('win_main')

How could I block/disconnect any/all signals, please? (And reconnect?)

Thanks in advance!

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gtk.builder provides connect_signals() as a convenience, once the signals are connected it's up to you to programatically block or disconnect signals.

Here is the PyGTK documentation for both blocking signals and disconnecting handlers:


What I do in such case, is to connect manually the signal, not with gtk.Builder.connect_signals because this method doesn't return their handlers ids, and without that handler you cannot manipulate the signal.

In my case was just a couple of signals not big deal.

what I am doing right now: forget about gtk.builder.connect_signals.

so after your code:

ui_builder = gtk.Builder()
self.win_main = builder.get_object('win_main')

I would have something similar to this:

list_of_handler_ids = []
import libxml2
doc = libxml2.parseFile('main.ui')
ctxt = doc.xpathNewContext()
signals = ctxt.xpathEval('//signal')
for s in signals:
    handler = getattr(self, s.prop('handler'))
    signaller = getattr(self.win_main, s.parent.prop('id'))
    handler_id = signaller.connect(s.prop('name'), handler)

which seems to sort of work after a first quick check.

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