
Can someone point me towards a source for schema definition for the Intergy database? It's a Medical Practice Management database by a company named Vitera (Intergy used to be owned by Sage). The database engine is Progress. Basically, what I'm looking for is the table names, the associated columns, and the Primary/Foreign Keys. I've gone to Vitera, and have been told that this info is proprietary. I've built a simple web app that peeks at the Progress catalog tables, and this has gotten me part of the way. But, it would be nice to get a little more detail. Thanks.

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If you can get to the catalog tables you've got what you need. You probably just need a little understanding of the relationships between _file, _field and _index to complete the picture.

_file = table

_field = column

As Tim points out there are no explicit foreign keys and so forth.

Fields are related to tables by a common "recid". I'm not a SQL guy and won't pretend to be one but the 4GL version of the query relating them is:

for each _file no-lock where _tbl-type = "t":

  display _file-name.

  for each _field no-lock where _field._file-recid = recid( _file ):

    display _field-name.


  for each _index no-lock where _index._file-recid = recid( _file ):

    display _index-name.

    for each _index-field no-lock where _index-field._index-recid = recid( _index ):

      find _field no-lock where recid( _field ) = _index-field._field-recid.
      display _field-name.




It should be fairly obvious how to convert that to SQL.


Progress uses a "Data Admin Tool" to manage the schema, and it'll dump a "df" file for you which'll have the db's schema structure.

It's not a SQL db though, so there's no "primary / foreign key" implemented in the db, so you'll have to infer any relationships between the tables.

Contact the customer that you are supporting and see if they are paying for ODBC access as the schema is something they get with a paid subscription. If not then I am guessing they may be in violation of their contract with their vendor.

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