
I have developed a CGI Python application, it works on a local server, but how do I compile it to run it on a remote Python CGI host?

The application uses

import cgitb
import cgi
import requests
import cookielib
import bleach
import re
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Assuming this structure:

 |- html
 |  |- .htaccess
 |  |- ...
 |- lib
    |- lib1
    |  |-
    |- lib2

import sys
for path in ("/lib/lib1", "/lib/lib2",...):
    if not path in sys.path:

import script1        # should work with the right paths

Aaaand... many providers require certain stuff in '.htaccess' file to make python files executable.


This is a question to ask your web hosting company. I use Dreamhost, and you can view some python cgi script examples as well as a wiki with more information. This will probably be different for your needs, though.

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