
When I type the following text into an editor that understands emmet:


it expands to:

<div class="fragment">
    <pre><code class="javascript" contenteditable=""></code></pre>

Which is almost perfect, except that the boolean attribute shouldn't have the quotes. Is there a way to write the shortcut so that it expands properly like this:

<div class="fragment">
    <pre><code class="javascript" contenteditable></code></pre>
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As of October 2013 this is now possible.

input[type=checkbox checked.]

Typing a single period (.) directly after the boolean attribute will produce the following output by default:

<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" />

If you want Emmet to output the attribute name without the argument e.g.

<input type="checkbox" checked />

You'll need to add the following key-value pair to the 'html' object in your Emmet user settings (Mac: 'Sublime Text' > 'Preferences' > 'Package Settings' > 'Emmet' > 'Settings - User')

"compact_bool": true


No, Emmet currently doesn’t support boolean attributes. It will require extra effort and syntax upgrade to explicitly specify boolean attributes in abbreviation. You can create an issue for this:

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