
I want an Expander that only expands/collapse it's content when the user clicks on the header icon. (Instead of the whole header being clickable.)

Do I have to redefine the control Template to do this? How would it look like?
Where can I find the standard templates/styles for controls?

Thanks for your time.

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Solution 2

I posted a solution to my question here (same link as in the comment from Ben).


There is actually a much simpler XAML solution than modifying templates. Simply DON'T use the Expander's header property in this case. Instead, cover the expander with your own styled TextBlock.

    <Style x:Key="ExpanderHeader" TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
        <Setter Property="Height" Value="22" />
        <Setter Property="Margin" Value="21,0,0,0" />
        <Setter Property="Padding" Value="9,3,0,0" />
        <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Stretch" />
        <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Top" />

        <TextBlock Text="I am some content. I have disowned my default header." Margin="10,5" />
    <TextBlock Text="I'm filling in for the default header. You'll like me better anyway."
               Style="{StaticResource ResourceKey=ExpanderHeader}"/>
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