
Attempting to get an enumerated value by an index from a NSMutableArray property that is filled with enumerated values.

all I wanted is to set a dynamic property and get set back within class instance.

thus, I coded a clear example that expose of problem.

Problem is this. WriteByType method in example never gets correct value. it should log "You Get Right Arrow" but it doesn't

//  CCMyClass.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

typedef enum {
} Arrow;

@interface CCMyClass : NSObject
    NSMutableArray *_arrowsPkg;
@property(nonatomic,copy) NSMutableArray *arrowsPkg;
@property (nonatomic)int nextPkgIndex;
//  CCMyClass.m
#import "CCMyClass.h"

@implementation CCMyClass
@synthesize arrowsPkg=_arrowsPkg;

switch (AArrow) {
    case aLeft:
        NSLog(@"You Get Left Arrow");
    case aRight:
        NSLog(@"You Get Right Arrow");

    Arrow a =(Arrow)[[self arrowsPkg]objectAtIndex:1];
    [self WriteByType:a];

//---------------USAGE EXAMPLE----------------------------------------------
//  CCAppDelegate.m
- (IBAction)btn1Clicked:(id)sender {

    CCMyClass *c1=[[CCMyClass alloc]init];
    NSNumber *v1=[NSNumber numberWithInt:aLeft];
    NSNumber *v2=[NSNumber numberWithInt:aRight];

    NSMutableArray *arr1=[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:v1,v2, nil];
    [c1 setArrowsPkg:arr1];
    [c1 GetItemOne];
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Arrow a = (Arrow)[[self arrowsPkg] objectAtIndex:1];


Arrow a = (Arrow)[[[self arrowsPkg] objectAtIndex:1] intValue];

or, more clearly written

NSNumber *arrowNumber = [[self arrowsPkg] objectAtIndex:1];
Arrow a = [arrowNumber intValue];

You are storing your Arrow enum types in NSNumber in btn1Clicked:, so you need to unbox these values in GetItemOne from NSNumber * types to the earlier int values.


[[self arrowsPkg]objectAtIndex:1] is an NSNumber, not the member of the Arrow enum. Just like during the initialization of the NSNumber objects, you should convert betweem the object and its enclosed value by calling intValue on it.

(And really, re-read a C and Objective-C tutorial. This is trivial.)

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