
I am writing a Autohotkey script that need to 'check' and 'uncheck' checkboxes defined inside a listViewControl.

I think the way to do it is using a SendMessage to the listview (or maybe to the listview item itself?) using the LVM_SETITEMSTATE parameter but i don't know the exact format...anyone have any idea?

SendMessage, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, 1000, SysListView321

i think that 1000 means that the checkbox will be checked and 2000 means that he will be unchecked.

do i need to do a loop for each ListViewItem?

I had also tried to use the

 LV_Modify(0, "+Checked")

But it doesnt seems to work also.

To emphasize the problem, I am not creating my own List View, i'm trying to manipulate the state of an exisiting application ListView.... (i'm running an installer and using the AutoHotKey script i press the next buttons on each of the screens, but in this screen i need to first select all the components and only then move to the next screen) Any AutoHotKey Experts in here?

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One way of solving this issue ( a non elegant way) is :

ControlGet, List, List,, SysListView321,,,,
    Loop, Parse, List, `n  ; Rows are delimited by linefeeds (`n).
        RowNumber := A_Index
        Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, %A_Tab%   ; Fields (columns) in each row are delimited by tabs (A_Tab).
            if A_Index = 3 
                IfInString, HaystackTemp, %A_LoopField%
                    ControlSend, SysListview321, {Space}                        
        ControlSend, SysListview321, {Down}                         

Do you know a more elegant way?

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