How do I pass kilogram, gram to a kilogram converter and obtain the result in grams


  •  26-09-2019
  •  | 


How do I pass kilogram, gram to a kilogram converter and obtain the result in grams (e.g. 5 kg 500 grams = 5500 grams)

How to do this using javax.measure.* Refer over here

Note: I need the solution only based on the above packages and not some generic solution

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It's a rather cumbersome API, but something like this?

int grams = Measure.valueOf(5, SI.KILOGRAM).intValue(SI.GRAM) + 
            Measure.valueOf(500, SI.GRAM).intValue(SI.GRAM);

There's probably a more formal method for arithmetic on Measure values, but I can't find it.

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