How to add button or Link to visualforce page whose standard controller is not same as applying tab?



I have visualforce page that use CompSearchDummy__c as standard controller.

<apex:page StandardController="CompSearchDummy__c" extensions="CompetitorSearch">

If I am to add custom button on the page of CompSearchDummy, shows up for the page destination.

But I have Talent page which use Talent__c sObject and when I tried to add custom button and attempt to set destination, does not show up as an option because I did not set Talent__c as standard controller.

Is it possible to somehow add my link to Talent page?

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If I understand your question correctly, you want to add an apex:commandButton to go to another page. When you were on the same page, it was just refreshing itself, but to go to another page, you need to specify an action in the apex:commandButton that points to a method in a controller extension that returns a PageReference for where you want to go. Like this:

<apex:commandButton action="{!gotoCompetitorSearch}" value="Competitor Search" />

public PageReference gotoCompetitorSearch() {
    return Page.CompetitorSearch;

Note, if you don't really need a button or special logic and just want to go to another page, you can do this with just an apex:outputLink with no need for a controller extension, like this:

<apex:outputLink value="{!$Page.CompetitorSearch}">CompetitorSearch</apex:outputLink>
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