
I have a program called main:

using namespace std;
int main()
//do stuff

and then other.h:

char* load_data(int begin_point,int num_characters)
    char* return_val=new char[num_characters+1];
    return return_val;

and I get the error:

'seekg': identifier not found

why do I get this error and how do I fix it?

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seekg is a method from the fstream (declared in istream) class.

You haven't instantiated any.

Take this as an example

  ifstream is; ("test.txt", ios::binary );

  // get length of file:
  is.seekg (0, ios::end);


So, you should

char* load_data(int begin_point,int num_characters)
    ifstream is;
    is("yourfile.txt") //file is now open for reading. 

    char* return_val=new char[num_characters+1];
    return return_val;

Take into account what ParoXon commented in your question.

You should create a file other.cpp containing function's load_data implementation. File other.h should contain function's load_data declaration. In that file (other.h) you should include all files neccesary for functions declared there to work. And dont forget to protect yourself against multiple includes !

File other.h

#ifndef __OTHER_H__
#define  __OTHER_H__

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

char* load_data(int,int);//no implementation

File other.cpp

#include "other.h" //assumes other.h and other.cpp in same directory

char* load_data(int begin,int amount){
      //load_data implementation
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