
I'm using the iPhone library for MeCab found at . I'm having some trouble getting it to tokenize all possible words. Specifically, I cannot tokenize "吉本興業" into two pieces "吉本" and "興業". Are there any options that I could use to fix this? The iPhone library does not expose anything, but it uses C++ underneath the objective-c wrapper. I assume there must be some sort of setting I could change to give more fine-grained control, but I have no idea where to start.

By the way, if anyone wants to tag this 'mecab' that would probably be appropriate. I'm not allowed to create new tags yet.

UPDATE: The iOS library is calling mecab_sparse_tonode2() defined in libmecab.cpp. If anyone could point me to some English documentation on that file it might be enough.

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There is nothing iOS-specific in this. The dictionary you are using with mecab (probably ipadic) contains an entry for the company name 吉本興業. Although both parts of the name are listed as separate nouns as well, mecab has a strong preference to tag the compound name as one word.

Mecab lacks a feature that allows the user to choose whether or not compounds should be split into parts. Note that such a feature is generally hard to implement because not everyone agrees on which compounds can be split and which ones can't. E.g. is 容疑者 a compound made up of 容疑 and 者? From a purely morphological point of view perhaps yes, but for most practical applications probably no.

If you have a list of compounds you'd like to get segmented, a quick fix is to create a user dictionary for the parts they consist of, and make mecab use this in addition to the main dictionary.

There is Japanese documentation on how to do this here. For your particular example, it would involve the steps below.

  1. Make a user dictionary with two entries, one for 吉本 and one for 興業:


    I suspect that both entries exist in the default dictionary already, but by adding them to a user dictionary and specifying a relatively low specificness indicator (I've used 100 for both -- the lower, the more likely to be split), you can get mecab to tend to prefer the parts over the whole.

  2. Compile the user dictionary:

    $> $MECAB/libexec/mecab/mecab-dict-index  -d /usr/lib64/mecab/dic/ipadic -u mydic.dic -f utf-8 -t utf-8 ./mydic

    You may have to adjust the command. The above assumes:

    1. Mecab was installed from source in $MECAB. If you use mecab installed by a package manager, you might have difficulties finding the mecab-dict-index tool. Best install from source.

    2. The default dictionary is in /usr/lib64/mecab/dict/ipadic. This is not part of the mecab package; it comes as a separate package (e.g. this) and you may have difficulties finding this, too.

    3. mydic is the name of the user dictionary created in step 1. mydic.dic is the name of the compiled dictionary you'll get as output (needs not exist).

    4. Both the system dictionary (-t option) and the user dictionary (-f option) are encoded in UTF-8. This may be wrong, in which case you'll get an error message later when you use mecab.

  3. Modify the mecab configuration. In a system-wide installation, this is a file named /usr/lib64/mecab/dic/ipadic/dicrc or similar. In your case it may be located somewhere else. Add the following line to the end of the configuration file:

    userdic = home/myhome/mydic.dic

    Make sure the absolute path to the dictionary compiled above is correct.

If you then run mecab against your input, it will split the compound into its parts (I tested it, using mecab 0.994 on a Linux system).

A more thorough fix would be to get the source of the default dictionary and manually remove all compoun nouns you want to get split, then recompile the dictionary. As a general remark, using a CJK tokenizer for a serious application in production mode over a longer period of time usually involves a certain amount of dictionary maintenance (adding/removing entries) regularly.

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