
I have a string being generated passed to and outputed by template toolkit using:

Its using format_price I want to drop the cents off the price if they are zero. So 100.00 becomes 100

Can't find any clear solution to this.


format_price is used in hundreds of places within this project and if possible i'd like to not change that and override the method with this functionality if possible.

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You can extend Template::Plugin::Number::Format to create your own plugin like so:

package Template::Plugin::My::Number::Format;
use base qw(Template::Plugin::Number::Format);
use Number::Format;

sub init {
    my ($self, $config) = @_;
    my $nfo = Number::Format->new(%$config);
    $self->{ _CONTEXT }->define_filter(format_price => sub {
        my ($context, @args) = @_;
        return sub {
            my $text = shift;
            my $result = $nfo->format_price($text, @args);
            $result =~ s/\.00$//;
            return $result;
    }, 1);
    return $self;

Then inside your templates you would use your plugin like so:

[% USE My.Number.Format %]
[% some_number | format_price %]


It should be relatively straightforward to implement an override of this function to behave as you require.

The plugin code is almost trivial in what it does. Take a copy of it from wherever you have it installed and make it part of your code-base, so your version is the one that will be found during compilation, i.e.


edit it thus:

-use Number::Format;
+use Number::Format::NoZeroCents;

Then add a new module to your code:


that looks like this:

package Number::Format::NoZeroCents;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'Number::Format';

sub format_price {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($number, $precision, $symbol) = @_;
    if(defined $precision){ #default behaviour
        printf STDERR "%s: default behaviour for %s\n", __PACKAGE__, join(';',@_);
        return $self->SUPER::format_price(@_)
    else {
        $precision = 0 if $number == int($number);
        printf STDERR "%s: override behaviour for %s\n", __PACKAGE__, $number;
        return $self->SUPER::format_price($number, $precision, $symbol)


And that should mean your NoZeroCents approach is used by default throughout your code, but you can override by calling [% number | format_price(2) %] when you want $100.00 to appear.


Number::Format definitely does the right thing when told to use precision => 0, as this quick test confirms:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Number::Format qw(format_price);

my $v = 100.00;

printf "Original value as string '%s'; as number '%f'; as fp '%s'; as fp0: '%s'\n",
       $v, $v, format_price($v), format_price($v,0);

which produces:

Original value as string '100'; as number '100.000000'; as fp 'AUD 100.00'; as fp0: 'AUD 100'

It looks like the extra zeros are especially for currency mode.

format_price($precision) Returns a string containing "$number" formatted similarly to "format_number()", except that the decimal portion may have trailing zeroes added to make it be exactly "$precision" characters long, and the currency string will be prefixed.

If you still want to avoid it, I guess just not using this mode will suffice

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