
I'm getting small dialog boxes that pop up saying I/O Error occurred. What causes this, and how should I fix this?

Edit: what happens is that after i run my flash game, FlashDevelop will try to connect to the Flash debugger, but apparently fail and give me the above error. I have both the debug standalone player and the ActiveX debug control for Firefox.

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To activate interactive debugging with haxe/Flash/FlashDevelop you have to add the fdb switch and network-sandbox. To do that open Project -> Properties -> Compiler Options -> Directives and add the following two lines:


That should be all you need. After that you should be able to set breakpoints, inspect object fields and local variables and profile your code.


I didn't have haxe, but I had the same error and to get rid of it I followed the advice from here:

Specify the path to the debug player (flashplayer_10_sa_debug.exe or FlashPlayerDebug.exe in the SDK) in FlashDevelop Tools > Program settings > FlashViewer

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